My Spring Garden

Cultivating Creativity: Planting the Seeds of Innovation

Spring has arrived, awakening the eager gardener within me, ready to sow seeds for both blooms and veggies alike. Living by the age-old wisdom of Western NC, I heed the advice: “Thou shalt not plant before Mother’s Day!” Experience has taught me this lesson well; I’ve witnessed the cruel surprise of a May snowfall after premature plantings.  Just as planting seeds is the first step in growing a vibrant garden,…

Blue and Purple Alcohol Ink Abstract Fail

Creativity Unleashed: Embracing Ugly Art

In a world where perfection is often praised and sought after, there’s a certain freedom in embracing imperfection. Creativity, in its purest form, is not about producing flawless masterpieces every time, but rather about exploration, experimentation, and self-expression. Yet, many of us find ourselves trapped by the fear of creating something “ugly” or less than perfect. We hesitate to put pen to paper, brush to canvas, or fingers to keys,…

Neurographic Art by D Harrison

Exploring the Benefits of Creativity

Creativity: A Pathway to Well-Being Creativity is often associated with the vivid imaginations of children, finger paintings, and whimsical crafts. However, the benefits of embracing creativity extend far beyond the realm of childhood. For adults, fostering and nurturing creativity can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth, well-being, and overall satisfaction in life. In this blog post, we’ll explore the many benefits that creativity brings to the lives of adults,…

Floral Zentangle

Envisioning Your Life: A Creative Odyssey

Embark on a creative odyssey with us at CRE828, where every brushstroke becomes a vessel for self-discovery and personal transformation. In the realm of art, we believe in the extraordinary power of creativity to shape and envision the life you desire. Join us on this journey as we explore how the canvas becomes a mirror reflecting your dreams and aspirations. 1. **Creativity as a Gateway to Vision:**    Immerse yourself…

Watercolor Zentangle

Igniting the Spark: A Journey into the World of Creativity

In our inaugural blog post, we pondered the intriguing question: “Does adulthood stifle our creativity?” The subsequent entry delved into the definition and various facets of creativity. As our exploration of the captivating realm of creativity unfolds, we invite you to continue this journey with us, and we warmly encourage you to contribute your unique insights and experiences. Throughout this expedition, we will scrutinize multiple dimensions of creativity, spanning both…

Alcohol Ink

What is Creativity?

In my last post, I asked if, as adults, we lose our creativity. I propose that it’s not gone, but rather suppressed by the demands of adulthood and society. But, exactly what is “Creativity”. Is it so elusive or something that artists alone are given? Creativity is simply the ability to generate new ideas, solutions, or expressions. It involves thinking in original ways, making connections between what may seem like…

Mixed Media Abstract painted while at play

Creativity in Adults?

Where does our creativity go when we become adults? While it’s true that some individuals may experience a decline in certain aspects of creativity, such as the ability to generate a variety of ideas, there are various factors at play (no pun intended). Here are a few reasons why some people might feel they lose creativity as adults. Social Conditioning: Societal expectations and norms often emphasize practicality, productivity, and conformity.…